Friday, January 17, 2020

Start of the final task

Hello today starts the beginning of our final task. The final task is to make the opening of a movie. I chose to be in a group for this final task.My group consists of four members. Alex, Jake, Avalon and I. With having a group it would be easier to split up the duties that are needed to be fulfilled for this certain project. For my jobs or duties I plan to be the Codirector and to help film and direct our project. I also plan on being the Fillmer of the group and directing while filming. Not only that but all of our group members will be in the film in someway.I am very excited about our pictures and what we plan to do for our opening.
So far in this class I have learned about some terms that are mainly used in the media and in the filming world. These terms are used to describe what’s going on in a scene such as the angles that are being used and what type of sound there might be etc.I’ve also learned about the filming process. I’ve learned about how to use a camera and how to make the angles and movements that are used in films. Last but certainly not least I’ve learned about the editing process and how to edit a film or project. All of these skills will be put to use for this project. All of the lessons are essential to make the film a cohesive film. We plan on splitting all of these tasks up between the four of us. I am most excited about the filming process. I love to direct and film. So far with all of the projects I’ve been co-director. I love everything about the filming process especially picking up a camera and shooting the film.
For this final task, the opening of a movie, my group needs to present a pitch. A pitch is a Hollywood term used to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. We came up with three different pitches. Our first pitch is a movie about a women walking out of the mall into the parking garage and walks past a car and sees a girl inside that was kidnapped and gory looking and goes over to see if she’s okay and attempts to call for 911 when the killer comes up behind to take her as well. Our second pitch is about someone who has a horrific dream about bad things happening and wakes up to realize that they will actually begin to start happening. Our third and last pitch is a classic murder mystery about someone who is killed a group of their friends find a clue and begin a journey to figure out who did it. We kept them in same genre of horror because we believed it would be easiest and the most fun.

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