Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming process

It's been almost a week since we last talked about where my group is on our music video project. The last time I talked about what we did for the beginning of our music video. Just to recap we went to our tack field at our high school and filmed the beginning shots for the project. While we were filming before the break we forgot to film a little dancing scene for the end of our music video. This time my group and I made sure not to forget any crucial filming part of the project. On Tuesday, the day before Thanksgiving break, my group and I really wanted to make sure we could get the montage/dancing part of the film over with. So once more my group and I stayed after school to film the end of the music video. This task wasn't very hard because all my group needed to do was film us dancing. While dancing we had to make sure that we wouldn't get in the way of the people who had practice on the field. My group and I proved to be successful in getting the last shot that we needed on the track.
The next step in our filming process was filming some shots in a grocery store. To my group and I it didn't really matter what type of grocery store it was, all that mattered was that they allowed us to film in their store.We were able to film in our local grocery store. The shots that we needed was some shots of the protagonist (Ava) and the antagonist (Alex). These shots are some extreme close ups and close ups of the two main characters. These shots are going to show the rivalry the two main characters have. The scene will have two shots of a close up of the protagonist. Then a close up of the antagonist. This gives the scene a sense of seriousness and make the viewers feel how tense the scene is. We also shot some more shots of us dancing for the final montage for the ending.
The last place that we went and filmed was at our local park. this setting would be where the ending scenes would take place. The scenes that we plained on filming was of the protagonist sing the music. these scenes are to create a sense of empowerment. We created this feeling by making the protagonist move and act in a manner that created a sense of empowerment. Not only in the way she acted but also the lyrics in the song has a way of giving off the sense of empowerment. In the park scenes the protagonist will be shown walking down a field sing the lyrics. We also made sure to film us dancing for our final big montage at the end of our video. The dancing part was the easiest to film. This is because we didn't have to use any certain camera angles and movements. That's the beauty of montages. I'm very excited to see the end result.

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